3 days ago
3 days ago
Fletcher Ellingson is experienced at deliberately seeking out rejection as a way to strengthen his mindset. He is a speaker, coach, and author of the best-selling book The Practice of Feeling Good. Using a combination of science and psychology, he helps his clients break free from financial struggle, being overwhelmed, and persistent worry so they can spend more time doing what they love, contributing to their families, and impacting their communities. Fletcher also hosts a regional weekly TV show, is a regular contributing columnist, and a professional magician.
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Contact Info
- Website: www.FletcherEllingson.com
Most Influential Person
- My mom / Eckhart Tolle / Michael Singer
Effect On Emotions
- Mindfulness helps me slow down by allowing me to become more aware of my thoughts. I believe that much of our thinking is automatic, happening without our permission, consent, or approval.
- This automatic thinking often generates emotions aligned with those thoughts. By pausing and taking a moment to notice my thinking, I practice discerning whether it's truly my thoughts or just an automatic response.
- More often than not, it’s the latter. This awareness then gives me the opportunity to ask myself what I actually want to believe about the situation and what meaning I want to assign to it.
- From there, I can approach the situation with curiosity, which in turn helps me become calmer and more creative in my response.
Thoughts On Breathing
- Breathing is definitely one of the pillars of feeling good. We often take it for granted because it happens automatically, yet it's essential to life.
- I'm a strong advocate for being intentional about breathing and have done various breathing exercises, including Wim Hof training and other fun workshops.
- Every day, I make a point to be aware of my breath, especially in the mornings when I go to the lake. While throwing a stick for my dog and watching the sunrise, I also focus on my breathing.
- It feels great to be mindful of my breath with intention.
Bullying Story
- In high school, I was frequently bullied and constantly on edge. One day, overwhelmed by my emotions and the recent loss of my father, I verbally lashed out at a bully in class, and afterward, I never saw him again.
- Last year, I reached out to apologize for my harshness, only for him to admit he didn’t even remember the incident.
- This resolution finally brought me peace after decades of feeling guilty.
Suggested Resources
- Book: The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer
- Book: The Surrender Experiment by Michael Singer
- App: Calm
Related Episodes
Living A Mindful Desert Island Life; Jason Barnard
Thursday Sep 05, 2024
A Mindful Mosaic; Daniel Bruce Levin
Thursday Sep 05, 2024
Thursday Sep 05, 2024
Daniel Bruce Levin teaches us that life is a mindful mosaic in his aptly titled book, The Mosaic. Daniel is a unique combination of mystic and businessman having spent his life searching for the place called heaven. Daniel lived as a monk in a monastery for 10 years, studied in a seminary for five years, and helped Hay House Publishing grow from 3 million to 100 million dollars in revenue as Director of Business Development. In addition to all that, he’s hitchhiked around the world searching for happiness.
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Contact Info
- Company: The Mosaic Coaching
- Website: themosaiconline.com
- Blog: https://themosaiconline.com/category/blog/
- Podcast: https://themosaiconline.com/media/
Most Influential Person
Effect on Emotions
- The process of mindfulness has almost limited emotions. For me, emotions live at the rim of the wheel. This is the key to achieving a mindful mosaic.
Thoughts on Breathing
- We can go weeks to months without food, days to weeks without water, and seconds without breath, but we don't think about breath.
Suggested Resources
- Book: Autobiography of a Yogi
- Book: The Mosaic by Daniel Levin
- App: n/a
Thursday Aug 29, 2024
Belief Unleashes Success; Dr. Noah St. John
Thursday Aug 29, 2024
Thursday Aug 29, 2024
Dr. Noah St. John teaches that Belief Unleashes Success and emphasizes the importance of taking action. Dr. Noah, known as the “father of afformations,” discusses his new book, “The Seven Figure Machine,” which outlines a roadmap to financial freedom. He shares his journey from a 300-square-foot apartment to a 6,000-square-foot mansion, emphasizing the importance of both inner and outer game. St. John highlights the significance of having a “loving mirror” who believes in you, as evidenced by a client who raised $185,000 after receiving belief from her coach. He also stresses the importance of overcoming fear and procrastination, sharing a success story where a client increased revenue from $4 million to $20 million in 18 months.
Listen & Subscribe on:
iTunes / Stitcher / Podbean / Overcast / Spotify
Contact Info
- Website: www.7FigureMachineBook.com
- Book: The 7-Figure Machine: Your Ultimate Roadmap To Endless Earnings and Financial Freedom. Buy the book from the above website, and you get Dr. Noah's newest online course called The 7-Figure Fasttrack.
- Bruce introduces Dr. Noah St. John, highlighting his achievements and the new book “The Seven Figure Machine.”
- Dr. Noah shares his journey from a 300-square-foot basement apartment to a 6000-square-foot mansion, emphasizing the effectiveness of his methods.
- He explains the inspiration behind the new book, focusing on the outer game aspects of how belief unleashes success.
- Dr. Noah discusses the importance of having a “loving mirror” who believes in you, as detailed in his power habit system.
The Power of Belief
- Dr. Noah elaborates on the concept of a “loving mirror” and its role in the success of highly successful people.
- He shares a story about a client, Catherine, who raised $185,000 in one day after learning how belief unleashes success from her coach.
- Bruce notes the common theme of significant others being the difference-makers in people's lives.
- Dr. Noah emphasizes the clarity and actionable steps provided in his new book, contrasting it with other authors' storytelling approaches.
Overcoming Fear and Procrastination
- Dr. Noah discusses the concept of “delay” as the greatest enemy to success, rooted in fear. Taking quick action is a recurring theme in the 7-Figure Maching book.
- He shares an anecdote about a client, Charles, who invested $100,000 and earned $1.8 million in 10 months.
- Dr. Noah highlights the importance of taking action and not delaying, especially for high achievers.
- He explains the significance of the phrase “Money loves speed” and how it applies to both failure and success.
Suggested Resources
- Dr. Noah provides information on how to access his new book and the accompanying online course, the Seven Figure Fast Track. The 7-Figure Machine
Related Episodes
Thursday Aug 22, 2024
The Success Code; Jack Canfield
Thursday Aug 22, 2024
Thursday Aug 22, 2024
Jack Canfield is well-known for The Chicken Soup For The Soul books and also for The Success Principles. Throughout his life, Jack became familiar with certain principles of success that he used in the late 1980s to create the Chicken Soup For the Soul series, even after being turned down by 144 publishers. Jack shares the same principles of success that he used to succeed back in the ‘80s, in his book, The Success Principles: How To Get From Where You Are to Where You Want To Be.
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Most Influential Person
- Dawa Tarchin Phillips, Tibetan Buddhist lama and mindfulness teacher: www.DawaTarchinPhillips.com
Effect on Emotions
- Mindfulness has kept me more calm and more neutral. Sometimes people think I don't have any feelings.
- I've learned that most of my feelings come from thoughts and if I'm aware of the thoughts and can deal with them at that level, then I don't have to have the emotional outbursts.
- I still cry when I see cats and skunks playing together on YouTube. I cry at movies. I don't cry so much about loss. I cry more at the joy of beauty and love.
Thoughts on Breathing
- I do breathing exercises as part of my yoga and my meditation practices in the morning.
- I studied Kundalini Yoga with a yoga teacher back in my '30s [and learned] to do that breath of fire real fast.
Suggested Resources
- Book: The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
- Books: Anything by Thich Nhat Hanh (Here's an example: The Art of Living)
- App: n/a
Bullying Story
- My dad was an alcoholic, and he got violent when he got drunk. If I wasn't careful, I would get beaten, so I would literally hide inside the radio.
- I would wait till he went to bed so he couldn't find me because he was violent. So I got bullied by him. He was a verbal bully as well as a physical bully.
- I got bullied as a kid in school too.
Thursday Aug 15, 2024
Mindful Branding; Brandon Birkmeyer
Thursday Aug 15, 2024
Thursday Aug 15, 2024
Brandon Birkmeyer shares his views on mindful branding. Brandon is a former Coca-Cola and Apple advertising executive with over 22 years of experience in marketing at Madison Avenue advertising agencies. He’s advised FORTUNE 100 companies on brand strategy and is a sought-after consultant, speaker, and corporate trainer. Brandon hosts a top-five branding podcast and YouTube channel called Brands On Brands. He is also a bestselling author of the book Front & Center Leadership, which you can find on Amazon or on his website at brandonbirkmeyer.com/books.
Listen & Subscribe on:
iTunes / Stitcher / Podbean / Overcast / Spotify
Contact Info
- Website: www.BrandsonBrands.com
Most Influential Person
- Travis Chappell Build Your Network
Effect On Emotions
- In my later years, I stumbled upon life coaching shows, which introduced me to models that helped me distinguish between thoughts and reality. The Life Coach School, in particular, taught me to step back and question whether what I was feeling was truly happening or just a thought.
- I began applying this mindset, especially in anxiety-inducing situations, like being on stage, and realized that reframing my thoughts, such as viewing anxiety as excitement, could significantly change how I felt.
Thoughts On Breathing
- Yes, I would Google breath coaches and learn from them about breathing, Because I am not that person [who knows a lot about breathing methods]. I've stumbled across the Wim Hof Method and I've heard of the Navy SEAL thing when you need to calm yourself down.
- This is what I love about the internet. There's so much stuff that is accessible.
Suggested Resources
- Book: Flip The Script: Getting People To Think Your Idea is Their Idea by Oren Klaff
- Book: Front and Center Leadership by Brandon Birkmeyer
- App: My phone alarm
Related Episodes
Live a Legendary Life; Tommy Breedlove
Monday Aug 12, 2024
Debt Free Dad; Brad Nelson
Monday Aug 12, 2024
Monday Aug 12, 2024
Brad Nelson is known as the Debt-Free Dad, having dedicated his life to sharing and helping people with their personal finances. After overcoming his own financial struggles, including foreclosure and the loss of his first marriage, Brad paid off his debt and has remained debt-free for over a decade. Through speaking, his podcast, (The Debt Free Dad), and his online community, Roots of Personal Finance, Brad empowers others to eliminate debt, save money, and live stress-free, all while prioritizing family and experiences.
Listen & Subscribe on:
iTunes / Stitcher / Podbean / Overcast / Spotify
Contact Info
- Website: www.debtfreedad.com
Most Influential Person
- Darren Hardy (Author of The Compound Effect)
Effect On Emotions
- Being mindful of my behavior with money has really helped me recognize and manage the emotions that drive me to spend. For example, I used to spend when I was bored or when I felt upset or angry, as a way to feel better.
- Now, I understand that these are just emotions, and by letting them pass, I no longer feel the need to spend as much.
Thoughts On Breathing
- I don't have a good answer to this question about breathing. I should probably do some breathing exercises on a regular basis.
Suggested Resources
- Book: The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy
- App: Debt Free Dad App
- App: Allied Bank App
- App: Library App
Related Episodes
Embrace Money Mindfulness; Spencer Sherman
Thursday Aug 08, 2024
Building Wealth Wisdom; Brandon Neely
Thursday Aug 08, 2024
Thursday Aug 08, 2024
Brandon Neely's passion is building wealth wisdom. A serial entrepreneur, Profit First and Bank On Yourself Professional, he co-hosts the Wealth Wisdom Financial Podcast with his wife, Amanda. Together, they founded Overflow Coffee Bar, L3C, managing it from 2008 to 2018, learning invaluable lessons. Now, they share their experiential knowledge through podcasting and personalized financial strategies for individuals and businesses. They specialize in the Profit First system and the Infinite Banking/Bank On Yourself framework. In 2023, Brandon and his wife published a luxury money journal called Five Smooth Stones.
Listen & Subscribe on:
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Contact Info
- Website: www.WealthWisdomfp.com
Most Influential Person
- My wife
Effect On Emotions
- I remember being in our coffee shop. I had a staff member that was never showing up for work. Their Grandma died, like a hundred times. Also the till would be off by about 50 bucks whenever she would be working.
- I was drinking half cups of coffee all day long and felt like this place was killing me. I felt like I needed to slow down. I went to the hospital and they said I had anxiety and high blood pressure.
- They said I needed to stop drinking coffee and slow down. I said I can't do that. That was an indicator to me that my body was saying, something's up.
- I got rid of that staff person and then my blood pressure went back to normal. It was being self-aware that helped me. I realized that I need to go exercise more and be out in nature more. That was a big turning point for me.
Thoughts On Breathing
- My wife is always telling me to take a deep breath and to do the inhale-exhale thing. I do take walks every morning and try to get my 10,000 steps everyday. In a business sometimes I feel like we can go too fast and we just need to stop and breathe it in.
Suggested Resources
- Book: Becoming Your Own Banker by R. Nelson Nash
- Book: Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol Dweck
- App: You Need A Budget
- App: Library App
Monday Aug 05, 2024
Meditate For A Wise And Happy Life; Bob Martin
Monday Aug 05, 2024
Monday Aug 05, 2024
Bob Martin teaches how to meditate for a wise and happy life. He emphasizes the importance of patience, consistent practice, and recognizing the distinction between the thinker and the thought. The discussion includes personal shared experiences with loving-kindness meditation and how it can help people become more non-judgmental. Specific meditation practices, including breath awareness meditation, and the significance of sound in meditation are discussed. Meditation and group coaching are discussed, highlighting the personal, relational, and transformative benefits of the practice.
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Contact Info
- Website: www.AWiseAndHappyLife.com
Meditation Benefits
- Bob Martin first learned meditation in the mid-80s under a Taoist master. Initially, he found meditation challenging. However, with guidance, he developed a daily practice and eventually reaped the benefits.
- Consequently, Bob found meditation helpful in reconnecting with forgotten parts of himself, ultimately leading to transformation.
- Currently, Bob Martin practices breath awareness meditation, which involves bringing attention to the breath and watching the mind. This method is different from Transcendental Meditation.
Meditation For Relaxation
- Bob emphasizes the dignity and potential of humanity and invites listeners to breathe.
- Teachers instruct students to focus on physical sensations, including breathing, to ground themselves in the present.
Ways To Thrive With Meditation
- Meditation not only cultivates mindfulness but also enhances neuron activation and spinal cord energy.
- Bob describes feeling like he is “waking up” when his mind wanders during meditation, thereby recognizing his lack of attention.
- Bob describes life as spending time on the ocean's surface, with gentle undulations, while also being present and learning to connect with oneself.
- Bob Martin discusses the importance of non-judgmental awareness in walking meditation. Furthermore, he uses the word “Gotha” to describe a short phrase timed with breath.
- Bob emphasizes the importance of recognizing the “I” that had the thought. Rather than identifying with the thought itself, this practice helps to gain clarity and organization in the mind.
Suggested Resources
- Website: https://awiseandhappylife.com/meditation
Website: (Book) https://iamthewaybook.com/ - Book: I am the Way: Finding the Truth and the Life Through a Biblical Reimagining of the Tao by Robert Martin
Related Episodes
Muse For Meditation; Ariel Garten
Thursday Aug 01, 2024
Muse For Meditation; Ariel Garten
Thursday Aug 01, 2024
Thursday Aug 01, 2024
Ariel Garten is a neuroscientist, innovator, and entrepreneur who empowers individuals with the Muse for meditation. Ariel is the co-creator of Muse, a brain-sensing headband designed to enhance meditation and mindfulness practices. Dedicated to empowering individuals to conquer mental barriers, Ariel helps people foster healthy, happy lives, and unlock their full potential.
Listen & Subscribe on:
iTunes / Stitcher / Podbean / Overcast / Spotify
Contact Info
- Website: www.ChooseMuse.com (Use discount code ‘MindfulnessMode' for 15% off)
Most Influential Person
- Michael Apollo (Michael is the Founder and President of Mindful Gateway Consulting and a leader in the field of mindfulness)
Effect On Emotions
- Mindfulness helps me deal with my emotions very effectively. The first thing that comes to mind is a stubbornness that would come up in conflict with my husband.
- The stubbornness would come up in two parts. I would need to be right and he would need to be right. That would create attention and a stubbornness sensation.
Thoughts On Breathing
- Some people may not be aware of the relationship between breathing and their HRV, which is heart rate variability.
- We know we want it to be high, but what does that mean? This phenomenon is called asinalsodal arrhythmia.
- As you breathe in, your heart rate increases, and as you breathe out, your heart rate decreases. This happens because as you breathe in, your heart rate is increasing and increasing, and the compensatory mechanisms in your body at that point say oh no, our heart rate is going up; we need to make sure that we're managing our blood pressure.
- We dilate our blood vessels to keep our blood pressure constant as our heart rate increases with the in-breath. Then, your vagus nerve kicks in to bring in your parasympathetic nervous system to try to calm your body down, and your heart rate decreases with your out-breath.
Related Episodes
Manifesting Through Flowdreaming; Summer McStravick
Leading with Grace Under Pressure; John Baldoni
Mindfulness, Quantum Physics and Healing With Dr. Anastasia Chopelas
Monday Jul 29, 2024
The Net Effect; Femi (Oluwafemi) Badejo
Monday Jul 29, 2024
Monday Jul 29, 2024
Oluwafemi Badejo, also known as Femi Badejo, is a project manager with The Net Effect. He is a seasoned project and product manager, business analyst, and consultant with extensive hands-on and theoretical experience in architecture, engineering, project management, and Agile and Scrum methodologies. Femi excels in providing technical support, developing new products, and enhancing processes for optimal solutions. His strong management skills and keen decision-making ability are complemented by his proficiency in data synthesis.
A PMP Scrum Master Certified professional, Femi utilizes Agile project management to champion projects, teams, and team members. Since April 2023, he has been working at The Net Effect, a company dedicated to transforming construction businesses through strategic technology adoption. Femi's expertise helps construction companies navigate the complexities of technology integration, ensuring efficiency and profitability. His contributions are instrumental in saving industry colleagues significant time and money through effective technology and process evaluation.
Listen & Subscribe on:
iTunes / Stitcher / Podbean / Overcast / Spotify
Contact Info
- LinkedIn: Femi Badejo
- Website: The Net Effect
Most Influential Person
- My Dad
Related Episodes
Transform Your Life From The Inside Out; Jim Fortin
Empowering Minds, Achieving Success; Janet Elaine Schmidt
Bridging the Gap Between Spirituality and Science; D. Neil Elliott